~ Meet the ARIES ~ Melissa Smith

ARIES - bold, fiery, passionate. Meet two fabulous Aries women, Alice Barclay and Melissa Smith, and get to know a little bit about their life journeys, how the stars connect to their daily lives, and what inspires these fire signs!

First up, Melissa Smith of Root Flora in Randolph, Vermont. Root Flora is a floral design and gift shop creating beautiful arrangements, wreaths, and so much more for your floral fix. We’ve known her since her flower farming days in Massachusetts, and we’re excited for her opening her dream flower shop!

Melissa Smith, @root_flora

What are your sun/moon/rising astrological placements?

Aries Sun, Moon in Virgo, Libra rising.

How do you feel your signs have an influence over your work?

I feel like my Aries sun keeps me motivated, always looking for the next exciting thing. I feel like I haven't seen enough of the world yet, I want to explore all the things... My inner self is definitely a wide eyed child. It's both a wonderful motivator but the attention deficit can be hard to reign in and stay focused. To say I bore easily is a vast understatement.   

Moon in Virgo doesn't miss a detail, I am a self professed "nit picker" needs everything to be just SO, but in no particular way... does that make sense? My moon keeps me on schedule. I also am attracted to other hard working Virgos, they are my people. So that's beneficial for networking.  

My Libra rising: I am only now in my 40's beginning to see my rising sign as an important part of my personality. Libras are people people. I always wanted to be a brooding punk, but usually came off as a hyper cheerleader. Now, I'm embracing that part of myself. I honestly thought everyone liked to talk to strangers, turns out that is a gift that I have gotten from my birth time. It helps with my daily interactions, I genuinely am interested in the human experience.  

Tell us about a favorite scent memory.

I remember distinctly going to a giant thrift shop with my mom as a kid, Building 19. I loved treasure hunting even then. And for some reason it always smelled like cloves, cinnamon and cardamom.   

What color are you really vibing with lately?

I'm loving bright colors and unexpected combinations. I will forever be a gem tone person. Blue-green for life, I still remember finding that crayon in elementary school and thinking, YES!

What’s something interesting that you’ve read, watched, or listened to recently?

The last book I "read" was an audio book- Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown. I have been interested in language and emotions as well as effective communication since I have had kids. I want to keep learning more about it and feeling confident that I even know how I'm feeling...sometimes I can't describe it myself. I want to instill at very least a curiosity in my sons about effective communication and emotional intelligence. I think it's a muscle we could all use to strengthen.   

Do you have any magical rituals or special ways you like to unwind in your space?

Maybe in another chapter of this life, but for now I hit my pillow and pass out.  

What’s something exciting you’re looking forward to this year? 

I am looking forward to being back to work! I have a real job in earnest that pays me and that is something I gave up eleven years ago to focus on my husband's career. I am feeling mentally fulfilled but physically depleted from being back to a job out of the house, but clients thanking me, telling me I did a good job, seeing my value, well that feels pretty excellent, even if I don't make myself fresh salads and bake bread anymore...  

Root Flora Bouquets

For more info on what Melissa is up to, check her work out at Root Flora.


~ Meet the ARIES ~ Alice Barclay