~ Meet the ARIES ~ Alice Barclay
Meet Alice Barclay, a client-centered holistic clinician from California who recently moved to the Midwest. She specializes in a humanistic approach to healing offering individual therapy for children, teens, and adults and is fulfilled by witnessing her clients as they move through their healing journeys. We’ve known Alice for a long time, and her guidance and wisdom is as overflowing as her joyous and adventurous spirit!
What are your sun/moon/rising astrological placements?
I am an Aries sun, Cancer moon, and Virgo rising.
How do you feel your signs have an influence over your work?
I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Kansas and a Licensed Professional Counselor in Colorado. In short - I’m a psychotherapist. Most psychotherapists are introverts but being an Aries sun, I am a direct, energetic, and definitely an extroverted therapist. My Virgo rising placement keeps me grounded and helps me stay organized in the business aspects of my private practice. I definitely come off as a Virgo when you first meet me. Others perceive me to be more organized, dare I say even inflexible and anal retentive than I actually am. I am very open-minded and laid back for the most part but I love an organized and aesthetic space. Thank goodness for my Cancer moon. It gives me my depth of emotion, compassion, empathy, and intuition. I credit my water moon with my ability to hold space for people and provide a sense of motherly nurturance.
Tell us about a favorite scent memory.
I have a strong connection to perfume and cologne scents that my friends and I wore in middle school and high school. Bath and Body Works was, like, super cool at that time so those scents - Peaberry, Plumeria, Country Apple will always remind me of body spray, glitter, chunky highlights, and Steve Madden platform boots. I also remember CK One being the coolest. I bought the lotion in the metal bottle because I couldn’t afford the perfume with my allowance. Cool Water and Polo Sport are scents that bring me right back to high school dances.
I will forever love the smell of coffee and cigarettes. I do not smoke but I have fond memories from the local coffee shop hangout in the town I grew up in. Pre Starbucks, Coffee Society in Cupertino, CA was where all the coolest 90s "alternative" goth folks would hang out. I was not one of them but I loved checking out their style.
What color are you really vibing with lately?
I always vibe with purple and green. If I find pants, purses, or shoes in these colors I try to snatch them up.
What’s something interesting that you’ve read, watched, or listened to recently?
I am a big fan of Soft White Underbelly by Mark Laita on YouTube. I also love true crime documentaries. The "I am a Stalker" and "I am a Killer" shows on Netflix are really good. Lately I've been listening to Dr. Ramini's podcast "Navigating Narcissism." I wasn't taught a lot about narcissism in grad school and I am a trauma therapist so many of my clients have experienced or are currently experiencing narcissistic abuse. I've learned a lot from Dr. Ramini and have applied what I've learned to helping my clients.
Do you have any magical rituals or special ways you like to unwind in your space?
I burn my Vessel candles and smudge my room with Santo Palo. Just plain old cleaning can be so magical. Vacuuming, mopping, dusting and washing all the blankets and sheets in the house with an open window really clears out the energy.
What’s something exciting you’re looking forward to this year?
My friend and colleague, Meredith Berger and I are launching a podcast called OverAnalyze This! We are using our skills and experience as therapists to overanalyze the main "characters" of true crime and reality TV. We will also be inviting astrologers and tarot readers to discuss and analyze how the astrology of these people has informed their choices and guided their lives.
I also plan to go on a vacation for the first time in a long time this summer and cannot wait!!
For more info on what Alice is up to and links to her podcast once it launches, visit Soul Love Therapy.